
  Batuk Pilek Batuk pilek atau  common cold,  yang dikenal juga dengan selesma, adalah infeksi virus ringan pada saluran pernapasan bagian atas, yaitu hidung dan tenggorokan. Infeksi virus yang menyebabkan batuk pilek dapat menyebar secara langsung lewat percikan lendir dari saluran pernapasan penderita, ataupun secara tidak langsung melalui tangan. Batuk pilek bisa dialami oleh siapa saja, mulai dari anak-anak hingga dewasa. Masa inkubasi virus penyebab batuk pilek, atau jangka waktu sejak virus masuk ke dalam tubuh hingga menimbulkan keluhan, umumnya adalah 2-3 hari. Penderita juga akan merasakan gejala-gejala batuk pilek yang parah dan sangat mengganggu setelah 2-3 hari kemunculan gejala. Agar lebih jelas, lihat skema di bawah ini. Virus masuk→Inkubasi (2-3 hari)→Gejala muncul→Puncak tingkat keparahan gejala (2-3 hari)→Gejala berangsur pulih sampai sembuh total (waktu bervariasi) Batuk pilek ( common cold ) dan flu merupakan dua penyakit yang berbeda, namun sering kali dianggap sama
Tips and Trick  1. Be smart in selecting the content topic. 2. Pick a type of content. 3. Prioritize long tail keywords. 4. Share the content multiple times. 5. Shake up your theme once in a while. 6. Take advantage of your email list. 7. Start with your headlines. Treat your headline as a promise. The content is where you deliver that promise. Regardless of how you construct your headline, it must always leave an unanswered question. And yes, the answer will be the content. Recommended Headline Generator Tools: Fast Headline Creator Kickass Headline Generator Hubspot's Blog Topic Generator Headline Wizard by Tim Gross 8. Repurpose your old content. Add new information about the topic that is genuinely helpful to your readers. Add new links or resources to support the updated content. J U N I P E R Social Media BUNDLE by  46&2 Collective  in  Templates Save 10. Promote beyond the standard social media platforms. Quora  – a Q&A-based website whe
Blog blog  (a  truncation  of " weblog ") [1]  is a discussion or informational  website  published on the  World Wide Web  consisting of discrete, often informal  diary -style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single individual, [ citation needed ]  occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, "multi-author blogs" (MABs) emerged, featuring the writing of multiple authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from  newspapers , other media outlets,  universities ,  think tanks ,  advocacy groups , and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of  Twitter  and other " microblogging " systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into the news media.  Blog  can also be used as a verb, meaning  to
Tips & Tricks Tip 1: Creating Complex Shapes with the Polygon Tool The  Polygon  tool is great for making, well, polygons. Here’s a simple pentagon, and you can hold the  Ctrl  key to constrain its aspect ratio. Activate the  Shape  tool and click and drag one of the nodes. If you keep  Ctrl  pressed again, you can drag out a nice, even star.   Without  Ctrl  pressed, you can twist things around. When you pull a handle all the way to the other side, you can get some very interesting shapes. And it gets even better when you start with a polygon with more sides. Double-click to add a node along any segment; whatever change you make to this new node happens at all the other points as well. Making these nodes smooth, adding more nodes, and adjusting control handles, makes for even more possibilities. And these shapes are quite fun to color with the  Smart Fill  tool. Tip 2: Easy Alignment The  Object > Align and Distribute  menu lists all the shortcuts for